Ahh, my little loves. Here's an update on them...
Sophie was always (and still is) a skinny little thing, normally coming in at 20% for weight and 90% for height. Brielle is about 90% for height had 50% for weight, although I think that percentage might go up next time we're at the dr! ;)
She's sitting by herself so well now!
And adores her sister. Sophie can make her smile almost no matter what.
Ahh, my girls. They seem to have the same nose and definitely both of them have my eyes (yay!). The shapes of their faces is different, as are their ears and haircolor. Our opinion - Sophie looks just like me (wow, baby pics of me really show this) and Brielle seems to look like Aaron's sister Sasha.
Here's our cat. His name is Teancum (tank-um if you ask Sophie). He totally is a dog in a cat's body and is soooo protective over Sophie and Brielle. The other day both girls slept over at my mom's house (yes, the first night away for Brielle) and Teancum seriously freaked out the next morning when the girls weren't there. He was running into their rooms, back to mine - meowing loudly, then back to theirs, then to the living room, etc. looking for them. All the while meowing. He was very worried. lol