Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What REALLY has been happening here...

So, it's sad to say that it's my own blog but yet I haven't been exactly honest lately.... well, maybe that's the wrong way to say it. I haven't been forthcoming about what has actually been happening in our lives lately. I feel like my life has been a whirlwind and my blog seems so calm - NOT what I feel most days. So, the time has come for me to actually sit down, take the time, and blog.

THIS is what has been happening...

YAY!! Yes, we found out quite awhile ago that we are pregnant again. BOY it took a lot shorter amount of time this time around than with Sophie (another Yay!). We are now over 12 weeks along and are now to the point of "telling people." This ultrasound is actually maybe 3 weeks old, but you get the idea.

They've been watching me awfully closely b/c of of that gigantic, clementine size cyst on my only remaining ovary, but so far things are looking great with the baby. In fact, we had an ultrasound a little over a week ago (and Aaron was able to be there :) and the baby was serioulsy dancing to it's own beat. It was AMAZING to see. The first shot we had was a head-on and the baby had both arms up and waving them up and down. Then, from a side view, we saw him/her jump up and float back down again. Awesome to say the least.

As for morning sickness, I've been pretty good. I still get it, even now, but it's nothing compared to some of my friends' experiences. However the problem that I've been having is leg pain. They monitor that pretty closely to make sure it's not a blood clot, but it's not, mine is sciatica. Oh yay... there is no 'cure' for sciatica, especially when pregnant. You're not able to take the anti-inflammatories or muscle relaxers that you normally would. So, basically I have pain running down the back of my leg 24/7. Sometimes it isn't as bad as others. It did land me in the hospital two weeks ago b/c it was so bad, and then again yesterday it was excruiating. I feel so debiliated... I can't sit w/o a ton of pain. Sometimes laying down is better than standing, and sometimes the only relief I get is by walking around. There have been some nights where I am walking on the treadmill at 3 in the morning. The only thing that the doctors can do for me since I'm pregnant is give me Vicodin - which I'm not thrilled about taking because I am pregnant.

I don't mean to complain (but yet, it sure sounds like I am, huh?). I definitely have more respect for people with debilitating chronic pain. I hate pain drugs. But, at the same time, if I knew that it wouldn't hurt the baby, and if my family was watching Sophie, I so would be flat out on the couch with some narcotics in my system, just to get a break from it. Anyway, I'm not. I very rarely take the drugs and have been seeing a massage therapist, which I'm not really sure if it's helping or not... that's a total other post though. My house is falling into disarray b/c most of the time I can't stand long enough to do all the things that need to be done. I feel like I'm doing good to get the dishes and the laundry done. Ahhh, won't it just go away?

Even with the sciatica, we feel deeply grateful and blessed to have this new little life and joy coming into our lives. Our official due date is 9/29, but our doctor told us that the 'actual' date probably is between the 24th and the 29th. Unfortunately we won't know the sex until probably the first or second week of May, but I'm grateful that we're able to find out period. Ahh, the anticipation would kill me if I had to wait until September!


ErinMartinez said...

Congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for your family!! I had terrible back pain at 3 months when I was pg with Gabi. I started going to the chiropracter and it helped a ton!! He was very careful with the baby. You may want to try it. I know it can't be cured, but it may give you some relief. I hope you feel better soon. I know how bad it feels!

DeGooyer Family said...

Congrats again!!! I am SO SO SO happy for you all. And September 24th would be an awesome birthday. =)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Lori and Aaron! And to Sophie too, for her new role as big sister. I'm so happy for you, and glad it worked out pretty quickly too. I know those drugs were making you feel horrible! I will be praying for you and hoping everything will be great!

Anonymous said...

YEA!!!!! I KNEW something was up because you hadn't posted to your IF blog in awhile. HUGE congrats from the Elliott house to you. (I'm kinda jealous, but I can't tell Zac that...lol). Keep us updated, we love you tons!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I am so happy for you both that you have this new addition to your family! I am sorry that you have pain all of the time and I don't know how you do the laundry and the dishes!