Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Conflict in Manila


Any of you who have read my blog entries for a little bit now know that Aaron just got back from Manila and Cebu (Philippines). The southern portion of the country is highly muslim and the country has had it's share of trouble in the past and currently. While Aaron was there, there was talk of a coup to oust the current president by the military. However, president Arroyo brought in more forces from the rural areas into Manila and nothing really happened. (To read more about the previous coup attempt in 2006, see here: http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1167191,00.html)

But today it got worse. Just awhile ago, a bomb exploded at the House of Representatives, killing Wahab Akbar, a congressman who supported the War on Terror and his driver. They don't know for sure yet, but suspect that the bomb was placed by a muslim extremist group. Akbar had previously been a member of a muslim rebel group but then signed a peace accord with the government in 1996 and became a law-maker. He since has been targeted by the Abu Sayyaf Muslim extremist group. Here is a link to the story: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21767761/

I am SO grateful that Aaron was not in Manila when this happened! It scares me to let him go back (he has 4 trips to the Philippines planned for next year). I realize that it is probably a small percentage of a chance that anything would happen, but I can't imagine that if he did run across a muslim extremists, that they would be very happy to see an American businessman. Not to mention that his company, Sykes, is an American owned company. I am so greatful for my country, my religion, and my blessings!


Anonymous said...

Hmm that is scary

DeGooyer Family said...

WOW, that would have been SO scary if he was there when it happened. What a blessing that he wasn't!!