Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Random Update

My random update - or should I say Sophie's....

Sophie's new favorite food lately is sundried tomatoe and mozzarella cheese crackers (store brand at Walmart). She loves them so much that anytime I put her in the highchair or booster seat (which is currently being used as a play toy and step onto the couch since coming home from Denver) she automatically says "cack-r".

She's also starting to get her k-9 teeth (is that the proper term? It makes it sound like she's actually sprouting dog teeth). Of course bone pushing through skin equals fussy baby. She does not like to use teethers, frozen washcloths or bagels, or anything else that people that recommended. She does like to chew on the Ambisol tube.

Sophie continues to learn signs pretty quickly. I have made a personalized sign book for her - pictures of the object (both cartoon and real) and a picture of mommy or daddy doing the sign - BUT they remain unprinted.... I should really get on that. Anyway, her more recent new signs are: bath, bear, cheese, bunny... I'm forgetting one.

She's also learned how to get up and down our small slide by herself. :) She's so big! She has trouble getting her second foot going forward down the slide, so most of the time she's got one leg in front of her, one behind her.

We have a considerable amount of leaves in the backyard so we went and played around in them. Sophie thought the sound was great. I'm waiting till this weekend to rake them so that daddy can be here (he's currently in KY, his old mission grounds) and watch her play in the pile of leaves - the best part of fall!!

We needed a new picture of mommy and Sophie. This one I took just in our hallway and it turned out pretty good. We're having family pictures done in a week or so, hopefully they turn out good too.

1 comment:

DeGooyer Family said...

What a beautiful picture of you two!! Lori, you are just gorgeous! And Sophie is such a cutie pie.