Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Picture Update

Everyone knows I'm a picture nut, so I thought I might as well give a quick update via pictures :)

Yesterday I took Sophie to the 'WaterFest' here in GJ. It's actually only for 5th graders, but, well, my dad runs it... so you could say that maybe we get special treatment :)

Here Grandpa and Sophie are encased in a gigantic bubble. She wasn't so sure about it at first. She did it with Poppa, with Momma, by herself, but when she *really* decided that she liked it, was when Tammy showed up with her kids (aged 3 and 1&1/2). Then, seeing Zoe love them so much, she decided they were the best things in the world! (And consequently bawled when we left!)

She's checking out a salamander here.

Looking at fish with her Poppa.

She thought this rolly polly bug was way more fascinating than any of the actual display animals ;)
Waterfest was a lot of fun. She loved seeing the 5th graders get soaked, the water rockets take off, etc. But one of the things that she liked the most was riding around in the golf cart!

Here's Sophie playing in her little play tent outside - what a cutie!

I rarely have dessert in the house and Sophie rarely gets a lot of sweets. However, I was trying to perfect the perfect chocolate pie recipe for a Mother's day fundraiser for church, so there were quite a few in the fridge. She's loving daddy and his pie!

Aaron got a Jazz Bass and Sophie thinks it's pretty darn neat. :)
What a good daddy!


Anonymous said...

Oh she is so cute, i just adore her smile and the way it lights up her whole face.

Im impressed she keeps the hat on so well, i have no luck in that area

TroxelTribe said...

Thanks - She's a lot better at keeping her pink hat on b/c it has a velcro strap. Also, when we're at home, if she takes her hat off, I give her the choice of either putting it back on (and leaving it on) or going back inside... needless to say, the hat wins every time!