Monday, May 12, 2008

Sophie's Getting A.....


Can you believe it? I totally thought that this baby was a boy. Aaron and I have both been saying so from the beginning. Then, independent of us, my mom and Aaron's sisters all thought this was a boy. But, we had our ultrasound this morning, and sure enough, it's a GIRL! We're very excited to have two girls so close together and I'm already looking forward to watching them play dress up, dollies, etc. - all those girly things :)

I'm sure most people are wondering about the name. I know that's one of my first questions.... well, we've decided on: Brielle Mae. Isn't it pretty? I love the name Brielle - I think it sounds like a name that could be cute while she's young, but also 'grow' up with her.

Mae is very special to us. Mae was my mother's grandmother's name. She died when my grandmother was still very young (and she was raised by her aunt). Of course I didn't know her. However, when my grandmother was having kids, she named her first girl: Marcia Allene Esterholdt - so that her initials would be MAE. My aunt Marcia is my mom's only and older sister. They're very close. And unfortunately, Marcia has been battling cancer for years now. Before Sophie was ever born, they found she had colon cancer and it had gone into her lungs and liver. She's been on chemo since then. She's amazingly strong. However, after taking the last kind of chemo she can take and the lung cancer still growing (everything else is gone), she is finished taking chemo. Again unfortunately, she will not be around for much longer, God bless her soul.

So, we're very excited to have a new little girl around here sometime soon. My poor nephews - I'm sure they were hoping for another boy cousin. :) Now the hard part... not buying more cute girly things since I already have a ton!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting to know that you're going to have 2 little girls now! I bet you're just totally floored. That's such a nice way to honor your aunt as well. Even though one door may be closing, God definately gave you a blessing to keep your family's light shining!

DeGooyer Family said...

Yay! I'm so glad you were able to find out. How fun for Sohpie to have a sister so close! =)

pretendingsanity said...

That is so exciting! I can't believe you are already that far along. It seems like you just told me. Congrats! xxoo

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the girl and i just love the name.

Kate said...

Oh my goodness! Lori, I haven't seen you in forever! I'm so glad you stopped by my page and left a comment, because I saw your name on Sarah's blog, but I had forgotten your last name and I knew that Troxel sounded so familiar to me. :D Yay! I'm so glad we can keep in touch now!

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't update you! Zac and I were on vaca this past week, so I was trying to be anti-computer, since it's rare for us to spend more than an hour a day with each other. :o/

Tell Aaron to give us a call while he's here, if he has time. Zac is usually off on Thurs and Fri nights, so maybe we could do dinner or something. Stinky that you don't get to come!!!

Don't forget to leave your five traits on my blog.... ;o)