Thursday, June 5, 2008

Quote of the Day

Me: Oh Sophie! You're not supposed to go poo-poo in the tub. You're supposed to go in the potty.
Sophie: Icky.
Me: Yeah, icky.
Sophie: Me see icky?
Me: No, you're going to go get dressed now.
Sophie: Me see icky?
Me: No.
Sophie: Ok, bye-bye icky. Bye-bye!!


Anonymous said...

Ah, Lori, I love reading your blog. I wish we lived closer so that I had someone to share my stories with. About a month ago, Abby squatted down in the tub and yelled. Then she handed me a poo log. It was so disgusting. And that's not the first time she's pooped in the tub. I usually have to buy more bathroom cleaner the next day - go through a whole bottle making sure the tub is thoroughly disinfected.

It's amazing how your conversation topics change when you get to be a parent...pee, poop, puke...wouldn't trade it for the world! lol

ErinMartinez said...

Oh she is so cute! Your new baby will seem TINY compared to her. You don't realize how big they really are until you hold the new one. Isaac felt like a giant to!

Yes, I remember one too many logs floating in our bathtub, too. Remember, this, too, shall pass!

Teresa said...

The pics of Sophie are beautiful. I have looked back to those precious times often. Just wait until you have a teenage daughter and you look at her and think, "Where in the world did all the time go." It doesn't even seem possible. I think that floating logs are a thing of childhood. I think all seven of mine did it to me! Anyway that is way to cute. Enjoy these moments while you can because they sure do go by quickly.

Lots of Love

Anonymous said...

Oh Lori, you give me so many pleasant thoughts to look forward too when I'm able to start a family! HA! Beautiful newborn pictures, and poop logs. I can't wait! :)