Sunday, June 1, 2008

Red in the face

I am getting everything ready (well, trying to) for our trip to Idaho to see my aunt Marcia (the one who this new baby is going to be named after, in a round about way). I have a ton of things to pack, to wash, to do - yet, where do you find me? I was going to just really quickly check my email, but after reading it, I felt I needed to post something.

First of all, I posted a few days ago (or yesterday maybe? ah, the days all run together when you're a sahm) a link to a great wall hanging - that's it above - that I am currently lusting after for "the girls" room (both Sophie and soon to be Brielle). Little did I know that the owner of the company would see my blog about it... how? I don't know, but she did. And reading her comment, I felt a little red in the face, or felt like I had egg on my face... now I can't remember the correct expression... something to do with my face and me being a little embarrassed (I blame my lack of memory on mushy pregnancy brain).
Here is the comment if you wish to read it:

"Thank you for the compliment (I think?) about my artwork. I did hope to clarify a couple things.

The pricing is based on our manufacturing costs. I always strive to bring the highest quality products at a competitive price. My products are made by moms like you right here in the USA. Good news is, we have just leased our own in-house printer! Once we are up and running we will be reducing our prices on the artwork. While we are getting notices from all our suppliers of price increases, we are still striving to lower ours.

I have a personal conviction about gifting to celebrities. Instead we are involved in a foster home in our community by donating a portion of the proceeds from our product to help provide for the needs of these children. Many babies and children come with only the clothes on their backs. If we give away products I have decided it will be to these children in need, not to the celebrities. You can read about Agape Families on our website or and click on "We Give Back".

Oh, and we give 20% off your first purchase. Click on "join Us". So if you wait for our new pricing (and we'll have new items) in July, and the 20% off might help.

So, thanks again for the mention, and congratulations on a beautiful family and girl #2."

After reading it, I thought that I needed to offer an apology to Paula Press. While I still know that I never could justify spending that much money on a wall hanging, no matter how beautiful, I did want to commend her for doing business much like I would do... hmmm, there is a better way to say that compliment I'm sure... I wanted to thank her and commend her for being a socially conscience business owner and working to give back and improve the lives of those who really need it.

It always urks me when I hear of all the free stuff that celebrities get... all the baby stuff that was sent to Brad and Angelina for Shiloh (and no doubt for these twins too) immediately comes to mind. I think "why give away stuff to people who obviously can afford it and don't need it?" I know it has business applications behind it - that they're hoping people will see their baby wearing it or using it or blah blah blah and it'll help their business. I get that, but it doesn't mean that I don't have a problem with it.

So, when Paula mentioned that she has a personal policy against it, she instantly won my heart. Then, when she said that instead, they partner with foster homes in their area, I was thrilled and decided that she needed an apology from me and whatever small "word of mouth" my blog reaches.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thats amazing that they came across your page, the owner sounds so nice . i love her policy