Saturday, June 14, 2008

Yeah, I'm Old....

Well, maybe not too old, but last night Aaron and I went to the first part of his 10th year high school reunion. Mine is next year. It was... interesting. :) Aaron didn't actually want to go, but I had a lot of friends in his class, so long story short -we went. A lot of my closer friends (in HS) live far, far out of town and didn't make it. It would have been good to see them and catch up, but I wonder how much we actually still have in common. Instead, we spent most of the night talking to friends that we weren't necessarily close to in HS and thank heavens Ryan and Merilee were there! AND for name tags!

Something else that is interesting to me is exactly who comes up and talks to you like they remember you or you remember them... enough said. It's interesting to see who is still single, who is either currently stoned or has lost so many brain cells from previous use that they have a permanent look of being stoned, who has lost how many teeth, who is trying way too hard with that push up bra, who gets plastered, who has all these kids, who married who, etc.

I have to say, I am darn happy with my life. There is not one other person that I would rather be in their shoes. I have been blessed with a great hubby who is really committed to me and our family. He has a great job and I am able to have the best job of all - a stay at home mommy. I have a beautiful, sweet daughter and another little one on the way. I definitely am blessed.


pretendingsanity said...

I keep thinking that I don't want to go to our 10 year. But then I think that you will be there (probably?) and then I think maybe I would go.

TroxelTribe said...

Yeah, I'll go to ours. I think that ours will be way better than Aaron's. PLEASE go :) I know nothing about ours, but I have talked with some of our friends and they're planning on going, let's hope that doesn't change in the next year! :)

DeGooyer Family said...

It was so fun to see you guys there! Im glad you talked Aaron into going. =)