Sunday, January 13, 2008

Part I

Part I...
Well, the cat's out of the bag. It was our plan to not tell our family or friends (most anyway) that we were trying to have another baby... that hasn't exactly worked out well. A couple months ago I had such terrible stomach pains from the fertility medication that I'm on that Aaron had to call my mom and have her come over to help with Sophie. I couldn't do anything - I was on the floor (and later in my bed) curled into a ball from the pain. Sophie was so upset b/c she knew that mommy wasn't ok. We really thought that Aaron would have to take me to the hospital, so mom came over to help out and also stay with her while I was at the hospital. It turned out that I didn't go the hospital after all, but the help was invaluable (she would not let Aaron comfort her or anything). You just can't have someone (let alone your family) come over to help while you go to the hospital and not tell them why.... so my parents found out.

Then, maybe a month ago I was talking to my SIL (Aaron's sister) and well, it came out of my mouth before I even thought about it. We were talking about something else that related and it didn't even occur to me until after it came out. Ah well.

So fast forward to last Sunday or so. Aaron's parents came over and we had dinner and before he knew it, Aaron blurted it out too. At least I didn't feel so bad about telling his sister. :)

So now all of our family knows and a couple of friends, so I figured all of my friends might as well know. I'm terrible at keeping secrets and not saying what's on my mind. Funny b/c the first has kept me out of a lot of trouble and the second probably has gotten me in some trouble :) Anyway, I figured that I might as well be able to blog about it if everyone knows anyway. I haven't decided if I'll blog here or on our ttc (trying to conceive) blog that most people don't know about. Anyway, that is: if I do decide to do it there instead so others don't have to weed through the endless babymaking charades.

1 comment:

DeGooyer Family said...

Yay! I'm so excited for you guys!! I checked out your other blog, but I can't understand some of the abbreviations... I'll just have to call you.