Thursday, April 24, 2008

Our Brave Little Girl

Sophie went into surgery yesterday to put tubes in her ears and an adnoidectomy. She did really well. They gave her something to make her a little tired and loopy before taking her back to surgery since I couldn't go with her (and what a fight that would have been!). The surgery went really quickly. My brother says that ENT doctors make SO much money off these surgeries b/c they just line them up and they're so quick and expensive! (ugh, talk about expensive!!!)

Anyway, I digress.... She got out of surgery and as she was waking up from the anethesia, the first thing she asked for was her turtle (she sleeps with 'Yertle the Turtle') and then about 2 seconds after the turtle, realized that I wasn't there and was very, very upset asking for mommy. They came and got Aaron and I and we went back. She still had an IV and a pulse-ox thing attached to her and she was not happy about that, nor the other people in the room. It took quite a bit to calm her down, but she did really great.

She ended up puking up all the juice all over the floor and mommy, but other than that, has done really well. We ended up being in the hospital for quite awhile for them to monitor her since her IV kinked and she threw up her fluids, but she's fine. Yesterday she ate a little of everything - popsicles, applesauce, yogurt, jello, pudding, cottage cheese, soft bread, as well as drinking juice and milk. In fact, we've only given her the Lortab pain medication once (nighttime), other than that, she seems to be doing well on just Tylenol.

The dr said that she had really thick, heavy weight motor oil type fluid in her right ear, so I'm glad to know that that's gone. I'm hoping that she won't get sick as often and definitely not as many ear infections.

Before she went back for surgery.
Yesterday evening. She's already looking so much better!


Anonymous said...

I'm glad everything went so well! All the puking does not sound fun, but hopefully her ears will feel better!

pretendingsanity said...

good, glad that it went so well!

DeGooyer Family said...

Yay! I'm glad things went well. Hopefully the surgery proves to be well worth it. =)