Thursday, April 10, 2008

Random Things I think While Rocking Sophie...

Those of you with kids, have you ever noticed that your mind seriously wanders while rocking, reading, etc. to you kids? Sometimes when Sophie is sick I have to hold her in order for her to be able to breathe and sleep. So, I'm sitting there rocking her and have practically nothing stimulating to do... I am left alone with my thoughts and after awhile, well, you start thinking odd things (or I do). Frequently I sit there, staring at the pacifier (or other random object), wondering if I can make it light on fire with my mind... hmmm, I have not been able to do it yet, but some day.

Today however, I was sitting there reading, yet again, "The Big Brag" by Dr. Seuss. Anyone read this? Well, I love Dr. Seuss. Anyway, it's about this rabbit and bear that are arguing about who is better. Then this worm enters and totally just owns the other two basically. I do different voices and try to make the stories interesting and I got thinking "Man, I really wish I was one of the people on SNL that could do a million impersonations! Hmm, which famous voice would be which character?" Well, I still haven't figured out the rabbit, but I'm pretty sure that Donald Trump would be the bear and Oprah would be the worm. And for some reason, it's really bugging me that I don't know about the rabbit.... am I so odd.

1 comment:

DeGooyer Family said...

My random thoughts are frequent, too, but happen mostly in the shower... And you can imagine the kind of strange things that can be thought of while doing that. =)