Sunday, July 13, 2008


I am not the best house cleaner. I wish I was, but frankly, my house gets cluttered and whatnot if I'm not careful. It seems if I take ONE day off, it takes me another 3 to catch up. However, I try and most the time I wouldn't be embarrassed if someone stopped by (or at least too embarrassed). However, Sophie keeps me on my toes. As she gets older, taller, stronger, and more able to do things, I realize that I have more and more area to clean.

For instance... yesterday I'm sitting on the couch talking to Aaron on the phone (who was in Tokyo at the time). Sophie is happily playing in the living room doing whatever a two year old wants to at the moment. I look over and she has the bottom cushion of the couch lifted up (the other couch that is) and balanced/perched somewhat on her head. She's now looking at all the stuff that falls between the cushions... pens, books, toys I hide from her for various reasons and then forget about, etc. "Ugh" I think "Now I'm going to have to clean that too." But then as I'm thinking that it's not a very urgent task, I see her pop a Cheerio into her mouth.... hmmmm, it just got more urgent.

As I shared this with my mom and dad last night, I made the comment of "HOW old was that Cheerio?" My dad replies "well, not more than a year." (We moved just a year ago into this house, but also she wasn't a big fan of Cheerios until maybe 6-9 mo ago.) However, I think that the expiration date on cereal comes quicker when stored in the cushions of a couch.


Anonymous said...

Honestly, i think thats just toddlers for you. Im constantly wondering where Eilidh gets the thing she is eating from, they seem to find EVERYTHING

Dan and Fam said...

I'm coming by at 9am, I hope your house is clean.
Just kidding!!!
-Dan aka Bro. Dannehl
BTW, I love your dad. There's nobody I'd rather work with in the Bishopric.

DeGooyer Family said...

HA!! That made me laugh out loud. =) I bet a million bucks there are millions of homes all across the world with stuff inbetween their couch cushions - ours included! =) (And the only time I clean under there is when Brett's parents are visiting...)