To preface this post, I'll say that nursing doesn't go so well here. I mean, it goes well if the goal is to put the baby to sleep. I have valium boobs or something that causes the baby to fall asleep within five minutes of starting to nurse. So, instead of nurse, wake baby, nurse, wake baby, nurse, etc. etc. etc. I've started pumping breastmilk and then giving it to her in a bottle. The pumping session is quicker normally, she will stay awake to actually eat, and I know how much she's getting. Warning: If the topic of pumping or breastfeeding makes you feel uncomfortable - time to stop reading.
It seems that this is my daily routine:
Pump, feed/change baby, play with Sophie, try to get the dishes done, pump, feed/change baby, play with Sophie, try to get the dishes done, pump, feed/change baby, play, dishes, etc. etc. etc.
This is all I do. Well, with feeding Sophie somewhere added in.
Notice that there isn't any laundry getting done here. Or cleaning. Or exercising. Or fun fall excursions.
Notice that I am too scared to take both girls to the grocery store to get groceries. (Going with just Sophie is most of the time an exercise in the distract-toddler-with-snacks technique.) I'm a little ashamed to say that I haven't taken them anywhere by myself yet, except to my parents' house, which doesn't count.
I guess there are two reasons why I haven't gone anywhere with them yet. First off, I'm worried about handling both of them, especially in the oh-so-exciting grocery store. Secondly, I feel strapped to the pump which is then connected to the wall. Again, breastfeeding is not going so well. When we do breastfeed, she's asleep fairly quickly (which means she's not getting what she needs and then will be awake and want to eat again in 20 mins). But more than that for public is the fact that it *hurts!* She flattens my nipple when breastfeeding, and um, well, that really smarts. It should remain round, not pancake-ish. Ow. Double ow.
SOOOOO... I end up staying home. And I pump, feed, and repeat (with some dishes and Sophie added in). I feel like I'll never break out of this cycle. And I don't know how to go grocery shopping.